In a world where access to quality healthcare remains a pressing concern, our annual urological screening camps have become a beacon of hope for our community.

Over the years we’ve seen patients benefiting from the screening camps and those that require surgical intervention getting all the help they need from our team of experts. In 2020,The Urological Surgeries Camp benefited sixteen patients, among them four Pediatric cases, who have been suffering from various Urological related complications.

The Camp that was organized by the Kenya Association of Urological Surgeons in collaboration with St. Theresa Mission Hospital – Kiirua, saw patients undergo different procedures that included the removal of Kidney Stones, Pyeloplasty, closed Prostatectomy and excision of benign tumors among others.

The surgeries camp was a great success as all the patients who had been attended are recuperating well with seven of them already having been discharged from the hospital by the time the camp was coming to a close.

During the camp, St. Theresa Mission Hospital – Kiirua was lauded by the visiting specialists for having state of the art operating theatres and being professionally up to the standard thus setting it apart as the best facility from the rest in the region.

The camp saw four pediatric patients getting attended where one of them underwent the Pyeloplasty, a procedure that is not easily accessible owing to the nature of the surgery and costs involved.

Josephine Karwirwa, Mother to the Pediatric patient who underwent the procedure could not hide her joy knowing that her long journey of seeking treatment for her son had finally come to an end and with a lot of ease.

She said that her son’s treatment journey began way back in the year 2018 and she had since not found a solution until she heard about the camp which she described as “a miracle”. She further said that God sent the camp team her way, as they had brought the services of a surgery she had previously elusively sought close to her home and at an affordable cost.

The camp saw a multidisciplinary team of experts come together to put their time and effort in reaching out and transforming people’s lives health wise.