STMH-K is the first born facility of the Little Sisters of St Therese of The Child Jesus Congregation, and this is how it was born…………
“58 years ago, exactly a day like today January we opened our eyes at Uruthiru Meru Kenya. This takes us to January 1967 where in Kiirua as stony meadow with the stagnant water welcome us Little Sisters of St Therese of the Child Jesus and my dreams as a young sister just arrived from Italy to work here in maternity/hospital. There was no shadow of building or village. We even had no knowledge of the geographical place or of the Culture or the language of the people who hosted us.
It was a beginning from nothing by trusting in the presence of God next to us and rolling up our sleeves with the constancy, Patience and enthusiasm. The tiny seed we planted brought this Hospital to where it is today. How much in gratitude we owe! Blessed be God. How many memories of mothers who confidently brought their children to be treated and I remember with the pain the many deaths caused by measles as no vaccine yet available. how many nights spent next to the bed of a seriously ill person or a mother in labor…. Or run in the middle of the night to transfer patient in need of cesarean section to the hospital. So many memories So many. No good road, No water, No electricity. That’s why a small dispensary always full of patients has turned into St Theresa Mission Hospital Kiirua, a platform for us and our collaborators to witness and share this gift of the merciful love Of God Our Father with the neediest of our brothers and the sisters
It was not only then desire or dreams of a sister but the constant presence of patients increasing numbers their needs to be treated better and better. The need to know more deeply. The pathologies to give antiquate care. Sometimes patients made this request Sister – Buy a machine that can see the evil inside us and find the necessary care. Finances was scarce, a path not easy… employ qualified people, buy machinery. Slow walk, small steps always flanked by providence that has allowed us to get to the current state. I review the time spend in dialogue with the Lord. Presenting to Him the needs of patients, speaking to him with the faith and the hope
God does not disappoint and as I sent us a group of benefactors. Trame Africane, AIM, and with them other groups of friends from different parts of Italy like Albenga, Regolendo, Torino tec we have come this far. The gratitude is immense. We know that then Journey is still long. Satisfying every one we will not be possible. Improvement is a continuous process; unfortunately slowed down by the scarcity of financial means but the union and the involvement of that there is in the staff of the whole Hospital leads to trust and hope of always being able to give best to our patients. Our labors are consoled by the fact that we are here in this isolated place being able to Help so many who probably would not have arrived alive in another hospital. The Gratitude towards God Our religious family, the benefactors and the staff are great. All together we are here to uphold the VISION of hospital care
For me the distance January 1967 is a source of faith, life and the courage of constant commitment and the love for brothers and sisters who entering in my heart become part of me. I love you all with the Deep Love. Thank you, dear staffs and the patients. Continue the journey with the blessing of God” Sister Maria Pia- Hospital Foundress.
What started as a dispensary has grown over the years to a level 5 facility offering comprehensive healthcare services, with more than 400 employees earning their livelihood from this dream that started 58years.
Thousands of children sheltered, fed and educated through our partnership with Trame Africane. Hundreds of elderly cared for with shelter and meals through the same program.
Thousands of patients receiving quality, responsive and holistic healthcare.